- ‘M. Hosseini, ‘AI, Pharmaceuticals and EU Competition Law and Policy: What Does the Future Look Like?’ (June 2024), Competition Policy International, Antitrust Chronicle.
- I. Maher and M. Hosseini, ‘Cooperation between National Competition Authorities: An overview of EU and national case law’ (January 2024) Foreword, Concurrences, e-Competitions Special Issue on Cooperation between National Competition Authorities.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Building global solidarity in a Permacrisis: legal impacts of a pandemic treaty (December 2023), Irish Studies in International Affairs, 34 (1).
- M. Hosseini, ‘A COVID-Competition Dilemma: Legal and Ethical Challenges Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine Policies, During and After the Crisis’ (2021) 6(1) Public Governance, Administration and Finances Law Review 51-63.
- M. Hosseini, ‘An Introduction to Iranian Competition Law and Policy’ (2015) Competition Policy International 1-11.
- M. Hosseini and S. Ganji, ‘Health and Medical Regulations in Iranian Law: Pre-Islamic and Contemporary Era’ (2021) 10(2) Journal of Research on History of Medicine 95-106.
- Rezakhani, Z. Nadalipour and M. Hosseini, ‘Identifying Anticompetitive Practices in Tourism Market; Case Study: Market of Tehran’s Travel and Tourism Services’ (2020) 16(54) Tourism Management Studies 159-163.
- J. Mohamadi, J. Hosseinzadeh and M. Hosseini, ‘Abuse of Dominant Position in the Iranian and European Automotive Industries: A Competition Law Analysis’ (2022) 6(20) Journal of Industrial Economic Recherche 6 (20) 1-14.
- Ghafari and M. Hosseini, ‘The Enforcement of Competition Law Rules in the Internet Domain Name Market’ (2021) 2(3) Modern Technologies Law 129-157.
- Khoshnudi and M. Hosseini, ‘A Critical Review of the Competition Council Decision: Concerted Practices in Culling of Day-old Chicks’ (2021) 9(33) Ray Journal 15-31.
- Bakhtiari, F. Bakhtiari and M. Hosseini, ‘Analysis and Evolution of Iranian Law in Protecting Consumer Rights Against the Manufacturers and Distributors of Non-standard Medical Equipment’ (2021) Iranian Journal of Medical Law 16 (57) 450-465.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Damages for Breach of Contract in German Legal System with a Review on Iranian Law’ (2020) 1(1) Contract and New Technologies Law 135-165.
- M. Hosseini and B. Ghafari, ‘A Comparative Study on the Legal Relationship between the Competition Authorities and Sector Regulators; from Conflict to Interaction’ (2020) 11 (2) Comparative Law Review 525-550
- M. Hosseini and H. Akbari, ‘Law and Ethics in the Marketing of Health-oriented Goods and Services on Instagram’ (2019) 12(1) Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 584-596.
- Khoshnudi and M. Hosseini, ‘Fair Trial in Anticompetitive Proceeding in the Light of Foreign Law Provisions’ (2018) 22(2) Comparative Law Researches 91-118.
- Khoshnudi and M. Hosseini, ‘Legal Nature of Competition Council and the Review of its Decisions’ (2017) 75 Legal Research Quarterly 201-225.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Ethics and Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Industry’ (2016) 9(1) Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 1-10.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Observing Consumers’ Rights in Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics Advertising and Marketing’ (2009) 3(1) Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 33-42.
- C. De Vivero de Porras, and M. Hosseini (2024). ‘Regulation of Proxy Advisors in Spanish Law’, Book Chapter In Securities Markets and Investment Services: Comments on Spanish Law 6/2023. Ed. J. M. López Jiménez, R. Perea Ortega, & C. de Vivero de Porras (Coords.), (págs. 323-352). [Editorial]. ISBN 9788412807226.
- I.Maher and M. Hosseini ‘Competition Law Institutions and Future Challenges’ in Daniel Crane, Damien Gerard, and Randolph Tritell, (eds) Why Competition? Voices from the Antitrust Community and Beyond (Concurrences, 2024) 717-272.
- M. Hossieni and I.Maher, Phase II Merger Control, Forthcoming in Edward Elgar Competition Law Encyclopedia (edited by: Sofia O. Pais, John van de Veenbrick and Maria Teresa Maggiolino) (2024).
- M. Hosseini, ‘The nature, characteristics, types and effects of distribution contracts in Iranian law’, Book Chapter in DIRITTO COMMERCIALE IRANIANO, edited by Massimo Papa, Pier Filippo Giuggioli, Andrea Borroni, Federica Periale and Mahdi Firouzan, (Wolters Kluwer, 2023).
- M. Hosseini, Competition Law in the Mirror of Competition Council’s Structure and Decisions (Majd Publication 2017).
- M. Hosseini, Legal Frameworks for Protecting Consumers of Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, (Asre Ghalam Publication 2017).
- M. Hosseini and A. Moshari, ‘A Comparative Study of Dispute Resolution Systems in PJM, Nordic, EEX and Iran Electricity Markets’ in Dispute Resolution in the Energy Industry (TUP 2019).
- M. Hosseini, ‘GMO Labelling and Consumer Rights’ in Law and Ethics in Biotechnology (SBUP 2011).
- M. Hossieni, ‘The evolution of EU Competition Law’, invited talk, IBCI, Instituto Brasileiro de Concorrência e Inovação, Brazil (2nd August 2024).
- M. Hosseini, ‘The Intersection of IP and Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector’, Fordham Summer School Ireland Programme, Dublin ( 3rd June 2024).
- Ahern, E. O’Dell, M. Hosseini, M. Fitzpatrick, D. Lim, ‘Regulating in an Uncertain Future, AI and Beyond’, Trinity College Room Hub, (18 April 2024), Boston College Law School.
- M. Hosseini, From Thalidomide Disaster to AI-Powered Marketing: A New Era in Pharmaceutical Advertising? (Invited by Dr Carmen de Vivero de Porras (May 2024), University of Malaga, Spain.
- M. Hossieni, ‘AI’ Waltz with IP and Antitrust, A new Choreography for the Post-Pandemic Regulatory Agenda, ERC PatentsInHumans Workshop Maynooth University, (April 2024). (Invited by Professor Aisling McMahon).
- M. Hosseini, ‘EU Competition Law and Pharmaceuticals: Navigating the Covid-19 Era and Beyond (Invited By Professor Giacomo Di Federico) (April 2024), Alma Mater Studiorum- Università di Bologna, Italy.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Grant Writing Workshop for potential MSCA applicants’ ( May 2024), UCD Research.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Grant Writing in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (May 2024), UCD, (Invited by Professor Helen Dixon, VP for Research, Innovation and Impact, College of Art and Humanities, UCD.
- M. Guy, T. Stravroulaki, M. Hosseini, S. Marco Colino, The British Association of Comparative Law, Launch of ‘Healthcare, Quality Concerns and Competition Law’ (Hart, 2023) (March 2024) (Invited Talk).
- M. Hossieni, ‘Evaluating the competition law enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector’ (December 2023) Guest Lecture in International Competition Law module (invited by Professor Marek Martyniszyn), Queen’s University Belfast, the UK.
- M. Hosseini ‘Patent Law in Iran: An overview of the patent system and the challenges in the Iranian pharmaceutical sector’ (December 2023). Paper presented at the Patent Law Around the World Symposium(invited by Professor Katharina Kaesling), Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany.
- M. Hosseini ‘Competition Law in the Tourism Sector’ (May 2023). Guest Lecture in Tourism and Law module (invited by Dr Carmen de Vivero de Porras, University of Málaga, Spain.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Grant Writing Workshop for potential MSCA applicants’ (2023), UCD Research.
- M. Hosseini, ‘COMPHACRISIS: the Story of A Grant’ (2023), UCD Agile Annual Conference on Supporting the University Strategy.
- M. Hosseini, ‘Grant Writing Workshop for potential MSCA applicants’ (2022), UCD Research.
- M. Hosseini, ‘The enforcement of Iranian competition law in the digital and pharmaceutical sectors’ (2021), Comparative Competition Law Conference: the State of Play in Europe and the Middle East, Société de législation comparée, Paris, France.
- M. Hossieni, ‘Competition Law Workshop’, (January 2019 - July 2020): National Competition Council, Tehran (16 hours).
- M. Hosseini, ‘AI, Targeted Therapies and the Future of EU Pharmaceutical Law and Policy’, ERC MISFIRES Workshop and Showcase, UCD Business School (May 2024).
- M. Hosseini, ‘A competition law analysis on pharmaceutical excessive pricing: a case study of product hopping in Humira’, International Conference for the 25th Anniversary of the Biotechnology Directive, Maynooth University, (14-15 September 2023).
- M. Hosseini, ‘EU's Vaccines Strategy and Competition Law: A Case Study of the COVID-19 Advance Purchase Agreements’, UACES (University Association for Contemporary European Studies) Annual Conference, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland (3 -6 September 2023).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Exploring the evolution of EU competition law in the pharmaceutical sector: pandemic lessons’, SLS Conference, Oxford Brook University, UK (May 28 2023).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Past, Present and Future of EU Competition Law Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector Learning From a Pandemic’, ASCOLA Conference, Athens, Greece (June 29 - July 1 2023).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Building global solidarity in permacrisis: legal impacts of a pandemic treaty, paper presented at Human (In) Security in an Unsettled World, Academy Annual International Affairs conference, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland (May 2 2023)
- M. Hosseini, ‘Addressing Legal and Ethical Concerns in COVID-19 Vaccine Policies’, The International Conference of Post-Pandemic Politics: Perspectives and Possibilities, Budapest, Hungary (July 2021).
- M. Hosseini, ‘EU Competition Law and Policy in the Pharmaceutical Sector During COVID-19 Pandemic’, International Jean Monnet Module Conference on EU and Comparative Competition Law Issues, Faculty of Law and Economics, University of Osijek, Croatia (May 13 2021).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Ethical and Legal Challenges of Sex Change’, Second International Congress of Bioethics, Tehran (2011).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Globalisation and Patients’ Rights’, 1st Annual Iranian Medical Ethics Congress, Tehran (2010).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Legal and Ethical Challenges of Human Cloning’, Genetics, Law, Ethics and Psychology Seminar, Tehran (2010).
- M. Hosseini, ‘NGOs and Patients’ Rights’, The 3rd International Congress on Medical Law (Patients’ Rights), Kish, Iran (2009).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Consumers’ Rights in the Pharmaceutical Advertising and Marketing’, 10th Asian Bioethics Conference & Fourth UNESCO Asia-Pacific School of Ethics Roundtable Conference, Tehran (April 2009).
- M. Hosseini, ‘Protection of Consumers and Sustainable Development’, 1st National Conference of Health and Sustainable Development, Tehran (2008).