Dr Mina Hosseini is a Marie SkÅ‚odowska–Curie postdoctoral fellow at UCD Sutherland School of Law in Dublin, Ireland. She received her PhD in Competition Law at Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran. Previously, she was a lecturer at the Tehran University of Science and Culture (USC), where she taught Contract Law, Competition Law, and Tort Law. She was also the academic editor and manager of the USC Journal of Modern Technologies Law. She has been a member of the Iranian Central Bar since 2008 and was a researcher at the Niroo Research Institute from 2014 to 2018, engaging in various projects about the electricity markets. In 2019, she was honoured with the National Student Book of the Year Award in the Law category for her monograph on Comparative Competition Law.
Mina's research spans the interdisciplinary fields of competition law and policy, health law, and pharmaceutical law. Her current project, COMPHACRISIS, offers a comprehensive and in-depth inquiry into the enforcement of EU Competition law and policy in the pharmaceutical sector across normal, crisis, and post-crisis periods. This project, aiming to draw valuable lessons from the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, is set to make a significant contribution to these fields.
Her work, which is both interdisciplinary and comparative, has been published in leading international academic journals, including the Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (Oxford University Press), Competition Policy International, Irish Studies in International Affairs, Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, Journal of Research on History of Medicine, and Public Governance, Administration, and Finances Law Review. She has presented her research at international conferences like the Asian Bioethics Conference, the UACES, the ASCOLA, and the SLS. Moreover, she has been invited to deliver guest lectures at numerous workshops, including three Grant Writing Workshops organised by UCD Research, the Universidad de Málaga workshop on 'Competition Law in Tourism', the Société de Législation Comparée' Competition Law Workshop' in Paris, the 'Patent Law around the World' workshop at Technische Universitat Dresden, and the National Competition Council's workshop on 'EU Competition Law and Policy' in Tehran. She is a member of the Society of Legal Scholars, the University Association for Contemporary European Studies, the Dublin European Institute, the UCD Discovery AI Healthcare Hub and the Academic Society for Competition Law.